
Before hiring a maid in Singapore, you cannot afford to skip the interview session. This is very important to ensure you get a maid that suits your household needs.

In this interview process, there are a few key points that you should ask your candidate maid. Apart from that, you also need to apply the following tips for interviewing maids in Singapore to help you get the maid of your preference.

What to Ask When Interviewing a Maid?

Tips for Interviewing Maids in Singapore

These questions will help you assess whether or not the prospective maid matches you and your family’s preferences.

1. Ask about Background

The first thing you can ask a candidate maid is about her background. Starting from her religion, life values, interests, hobbies and habits.

2. Ask about Skills

Skills are one point that you must ask to ensure that all the job descriptions you give can be completed properly. For example, you give a job desc to take care of a child, so make sure your prospective maid has relevant skills.

Then also ask how she can get these skills. Is it from training or from previous work experience.

3. Ask about her medical condition

Asking about her medical condition is equally important. Such as diseases that she may suffer from, such as migraines, allergies or she is taking certain medications regularly.

This is to ensure whether she can work optimally or not. Also as an first step of prevention if one day something unwanted happens to his health.

4. Ask about Availability

Confirm the availability of your potential maid to work well and optimally. Also ask if there are any obstacles that might affect her at work. Both due to internal and external factors.

5. Ask about Motivation

Motivation is the main factor that makes a person able to work optimally. Therefore, you need to ask what her motivation is for working. Is it because of the family’s unstable financial condition, or for other reasons.

Usually, the greater her motivation, the greater her work enthusiasm will be. Of course, this will benefit you as an employer.

6. Ask about Family Responsibilities

Some workers may have certain responsibilities and commitments to their families. For example, how long she has to work in Singapore and leave her family alone.

Ask about this and adjust accordingly.

These are some of the questions you should ask during an interview with a candidate. Next, the answers you get can be used as a benchmark to hire the maid or not.

Tips for Interviewing Maids in Singapore

Tips for Interviewing Maids in Singapore

Apart from asking the questions above, there are some tips for interviewing maids in Singapore that you need to follow. 

These tips will help you choose the best maid for your needs, aside from just considering the interview results.

1. Create a Job Description

Before the interview session is conducted, you need to create a job description first. This job description contains the responsibilities to be done by the maid, priorities and the ideal personality type for your family’s needs.

A detailed job description will really help you to define your expectations and make it easier for you to do the hiring.

2. Observe Body Language

Not just from the answers you get during the interview. But you also need to pay attention to your potential maid’s body language in detail.

For example, if your candidate dares to look into your eyes when answering all the questions above, it means that she is honest and sincere.

Meanwhile, if her gestures show strange movements such as nervousness or fear when answering questions, then you need to question whether the answers she gives are in accordance with the facts that occur.

Consider Hiring Maids from a Maid Agency

Even if you’ve done the interview and applied the tips for interviewing maids in Singapore above, there’s one important aspect that you shouldn’t overlook. That is, where the maids come from.

To ensure safety, it is recommended that you hire maids from the best maid agency in Singapore. The reason is, maids who come from maid agency have gone through selection before being transferred to employers in Singapore.

In addition, they generally have qualified skills. In fact, some also have a lot of work experience as maids.

Your Maid Agency – Best Maid Agency in Singapore

After deciding to use a maid agency, the next step is to choose a top maid agency in Singapore that has proven its professionalism and has been trusted by many clients.

Your Maid Agency is the answer. This best maid agency in Singapore is ready to help you get a maid with the criteria that suits you and your family’s needs.

The process of recruiting maids from Your Maid Agency is also very easy with a fast process.You can contact Your Maid Agency now for more details!

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